Thursday, May 7, 2015

Warmth, can you feel it! It is that time of year when all you want to do is spend time outside! What better way than in your backyard, on your deck, or in your pool. How could your experience be improved? With music of course! Outside speakers are becoming standard home improvements for even the not so tech-savvy, but keep in mind you will be working with electrical wires so hiring a professional is always your best bet.

Things to consider when you are looking into an exterior system:

  • Be sure the speakers won’t take away from your home’s exterior beauty, try to find a housing that blends well with your current paint scheme and this is an instance where size does matter the smaller the case the less obtrusive to the eye.
  • Are the winters in your area particularly harsh, if so you might want to install a speaker that can be easily removed and brought inside for safe keeping.
  • Think about layout, are you trying to get music to multiple areas for instance a deck and a pool or just one? You may want to consider several small speakers for special areas rather than a few large ones.

Remember running electrical wires is best done by a professional, as improper installation at the least could cause a short and at the worst a fire! A professional will know exactly what type of wire to use and where to run them so they are not damaged by the elements, and if you want to remove the speakers in the winter they will be able to help you make sure the connections left behind will not leave areas for weather damage.

When you purchase your speakers ensure they are made for outdoor conditions, able to withstand weather conditions of all kinds. Choose a speaker that is high quality as you will be competing with outside noise not the inside quiet you are used to purchasing for.

Your professional will help you determine the best location for your needs and sound transmission. They will know where to hang the speakers so as to cause the least damage to the exterior of your home and the sturdiest mounting. Typically the higher you mount your speakers the better the sound, but the breaking point is 10 feet, if your speakers are higher than 10 feet the sound will dissipate too much. The speakers should also be about 10 feet apart to maximize the stereo sound and prevent too much conflict from the audio. 

Adding an exterior and interior control system, or even blue-tooth/Wi-Fi controls, will make your experience even more enjoyable as you will be able to control your sound experience easily.

Now is the perfect time to add a little music to your outside pleasure! Call a professional today to get started.